Study Ukrainian Flashcards Are Now Live!
Study Ukrainian now has an online flashcards system! You can now use our website as a platform to study Ukrainian phrases and vocabulary by creating flashcards and studying them directly on the website. You can use this system whether you access the site on desktop or on your smartphone!
When you create an account and log in to the website, you can now save each sentence and phrase from the lesson dialogues as a flashcard. Our platform will automatically begin quizzing you on these flashcards when you enter the “study flashcards” page.
Spaced repetition
These flashcards use the principle of spaced repetition to ensure that you really learn the words and phrases that you study. Essentially, you are tested on each word or phrase at increasing intervals until the new word or phrase becomes a part of your long-term memory. The first time you learn a phrase, you may be tested on that phrase the next day, and then again two days after that, and then again after a week. This system has been shown by loads of research to help learners get new vocabulary and concepts to “stick” in your mind, and it’s one of the most valuable principles that language-learners use to learn new vocabulary.
Language learners who are familiar with Anki will recognize this approach: Think of our platform as an Anki deck that you can access directly on the site. Spaced repetition is also the same principle used by other language learning apps like Duolingo.
How to use the system
First, you’ll want to sign up for an account. Go here to register an account.
Then you’ll want to navigate to the lessons page and find a lesson that you want to study from. Just under the dialogue for a specific lesson, you’ll find a “Add Flashcards” button. Clicking on this button opens the flashcards panel for that lesson.
In the flashcards panel, select the flashcards that you want to add to your flashcard deck by clicking on the + sign next to that card.
These flashcards will show up in two places in your account. In the ‘Manage Flashcards” section, you will see a list of the flashcards you have saved. In the “Study Flashcards” page, you will be quizzed on your flashcards. The system will determine which flashcards you should study each day.
New features, new content
Now that this flashcard functionality has been implemented, we’re looking to expand on it by adding new vocabulary and grammar lessons that make use of these flashcards to accelerate your learning process. Keep checking back here for details!