The Genitive Case for Plural Nouns

When forming the plural of a noun in the genitive case, the ending to be used differs based on the gender of the noun.  The following table presents how noun endings change when forming the genitive for plural nouns.

Type of Noun


Nominative → Genitive


Nominative → Genitive

Feminine nouns, ending in –a:

ковбаса ⟶ ковбаси

ковбаси ⟶ ковбас
Feminine nouns, ending in –я:

полуниця ⟶ полуниці

полуниці ⟶ полуниц
Masculine nouns, ending in a consonant:

персик – персика

сир ⟶ сиру

персики ⟶ персиків

сири ⟶ сирів

Neuter nouns, ending in –о:

яблука ⟶ яблук

вино ⟶ вина

яблука ⟶ яблук

вина ⟶ вин

Neuter nouns, ending in – е яйце ⟶ яйця яйця ⟶ яєць



The Genitive Case for Plural Nouns

When forming the plural of a noun in the genitive case, the ending to be used differs based on the gender of the noun.  The following table presents how noun endings change when forming the genitive for plural nouns.

Type of Noun


Nominative → Genitive


Nominative → Genitive

Feminine nouns, ending in –a:

kovbasa ⟶ kovbasy

kovbasy ⟶ kovbas
Feminine nouns, ending in –ya:

polunytsya ⟶ polunytsi

polunytsi ⟶ polunyts
Masculine nouns, ending in a consonant:

persyk – persyka

syr ⟶ syru

persyky ⟶ persykiv

syry ⟶ syriv

Neuter nouns, ending in –o:

yabluka ⟶ yabluk

vyno ⟶ vyna

yabluka ⟶ yabluk

vyna ⟶ vyn

Neuter nouns, ending in – e yaytse ⟶ yaytsya yaytsya ⟶ yayets